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#2 Blog Post

This chapter of Anne Lamott's book is one of the most accurate explanations of writing that I have ever read. All throughout high school, I always waited until the very last minute to do all of my writing assignments because I never knew where to start. As I have grown through my experiences here at Florida State, I have realized that writing isn't as bad as your first drafts always are and once you get those bad ideas out of the way in order to better your writing. As Lamott states in the chapter, "Very few writers really know what they are doing until they've done it. Nor do they go about their business feeling dewy and thrilled.". This quote from "Shitty First Drafts" shows even the best writers also have the same troubles as all of us and that writing. Her writing has defiantly reassured me that once I get an idea of what to write about I can use that and write an even better second draft.

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