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Blog #11
Chapter 10 of the Bedford Book of Genres is closing related to our final upcoming project, the multi-genre project. This chapter of the...
Blog #10
Viral Marketing is the newest and best way for any company that wants to take their business to the next level by placing it out there...
Blog #9
This chapter from the Bedford Book of Genres reviews what it means to do remixing and revising when it comes to writing papers. The...
Blog #8
Chapter 21 and 22 of the McGraw-Hill Handbook about about the different ways to cite different types of information in MLA format. These...
Blog #7
After reading Chapter 7 "Integrating and Documenting Sources”, I think that I now have a better understanding how how a research paper is...
Blog #6
The worst, yet most crucial part of a research paper is the beginning. In order to start the paper you have to have some evidence and...
Blog #5
When I first begin to write any paper, I write down all of the ideas on the topic that I have. These ideas were always terrible and I...
Blog #4
After reading this article, I have never thought about lobsters and the way that people treat and cook them so much in my life. Lobsters...
#3 Blog Post
Plagiarism is the taking of someone else’s work and trying to pass it off as your own. Plagiarism can be both intentional and/or...
#2 Blog Post
This chapter of Anne Lamott's book is one of the most accurate explanations of writing that I have ever read. All throughout high school,...
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