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Blog #4

After reading this article, I have never thought about lobsters and the way that people treat and cook them so much in my life. Lobsters are cooked in the rather cruel way which consists of boiling them alive. This is why some people are very against the "inhumane" treatment of lobsters. This may not be one of the most discussed topics when it comes to animal cruelty but this article really opens your eyes to the issues present when it comes to lobsters. There have been many arguments regarding the this topic of whether or not lobsters can feel pain, and there have been some studies showing that lobsters do in fact feel pain when they are being boiled. Although the lobsters may not be able to comprehend what they are feeling they do know that something about themselves is wrong. As much as I enjoy eating lobster, reading this article and gaining this new information about this subject may make me hesitant next time I'm thinking about getting lobster with my family at Publix.

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